The Art Depository presents the black and white photography of Kentucky artists, Harry L Hinkle and Jim Burchette from August 7 through September 13, 2008. An artist’s reception, open to the public, will be held on Friday, August 15 from 4 – 8 pm.
Our next exhibit Black & White, features two Kentucky artists, Harry Hinkle of Lexington and Jim Burchette from Morehead; both work with film and traditional darkroom development and printing. But the similarity ends with the materials.
Harry creates works with great detail and high definition, while Jim burns out all of the back ground to bring a very narrow focus to the image. Harry works traditionally and Jim works experimental. Jim is self taught; he has an image in his mind that he works diligently to get expressed onto the paper while Harry records an image expressed in perfect light. Black and white photographs from two artists that are 108 degrees separate.